It tells the story of Ned (Lee Pace), a pie-maker who learns as a boy that he can bring dead bodies back to life with a single touch. But it gets more complicated. If Ned ever touches a person again once he’s resuscitated them, they’ll die once more – this time for good. And if within 60 seconds of resuscitating someone he hasn’t touched them again, sending them back to the hereafter, someone else in close proximity will die instead. Anna Friel talks to Benji Wilson about coming back from the dead...
It’s a cartoonish conceit (and one that works better on screen than it does in print). It’s complemented by an arch narrator, cotton-candy scenery and, in particular, a deliciously kooky love interest called Chuck (who is murdered, but then Ned brings her back to life – meaning that, of course, he can never touch her again). Chuck – impish, fearless, irresistible – really couldn’t have been played by anyone other than Britain’s own eternal ingĂ©nue, Anna Friel.
Yet, until she was cast in this show, Friel’s career was hardly on the up-and-up. After success in Brookside when she was just 16, and then on Broadway in Patrick Marber’s hit play Closer, she had ended up stagnating in the sorry movie franchise Goal!

It’s typical of Friel that, when I start to tiptoe around some of her career turkeys, she butts in. ‘Say what you want – I won’t be insulted at all so don’t think you have to word anything sensitively,’ she says. ‘At 21, going to Broadway, that was the time when things could have just gone whoosh. Things were just at the right place and then I was incredibly badly managed, and given really bad advice. It’s not until now that I’ve gone to America and they’ve all said, “We were loving you – where did you go?” Now, Daisies has put me in the nicest position I could possibly be in.’
She’s referring here to her recent casting opposite Will Ferrell in the Hollywood remake of Land of the Lost, which would never have come without her performance in Pushing Daisies. She admits that her decision to start looking at US TV scripts has revitalised her film career. Previously, she wouldn’t touch small-screen productions.
I always said absolutely not,’ she says. ‘I’m going to keep battling, do that film career – but TV’s actually turned out to be the best way to make that film career come true. Before, if you were in TV it was completely different to doing movies, but now the snobbery’s gone. Now, because of the calibre and the type of people doing TV, lots of people are choosing to do it. It’s the hardest schedule you could ever do but you reap the benefits… if you’re in a good show.’
And there’s the rub – not all TV shows are created equal. Friel knew she had struck gold when she was offered the part of Chuck without audition by the esteemed pairing of series producers Bryan Fuller (Heroes) and Barry Sonnenfeld (Get Shorty, Men in Black).
‘I was very lucky,’ she explains. ‘I got offered about seven shows when I expressed an interest in television and then read another 15 – and this one screamed out loud. I liked its imagination and its humour and I thought the standard of writing was 10 times better than some of the other things I was reading. And I loved that [the heroine] was called Chuck. I thought, “I want to play a girl called Chuck.”’ As Friel says ‘Chuck’ she broadens her native Rochdale accent to make it sound like ‘Chook’. ‘I don’t like “Cherk”, as I have to say in American.’
Chuck, like most of Pushing Daisies, floats somewhere between the real world and the fairies. Friel and her long-term partner, actor David Thewlis, have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Gracie, and Friel says she looked to Gracie for emotional pointers. ‘If you’ve died, as Chuck has, it’s the worst thing that can possibly happen to you. If that’s already happened then nothing’s ever scary. Gracie’s open and she’s absolutely fearless,’ says Friel. ‘It’s the fact that she just appreciates everything. I sit here and you could be an absolute bastard and I’d look for the one little quality you have. That’s her thing all the time – she will look for the best in everybody. She’s made of love, she believes in nothing but love and completely appreciates life.’
And if that sounds sentimental – well, that’s Marmite TV. But the critical and audience response to Pushing Daisies in America has shown more love than loathing. Unlike some of her other work, Friel is proud of it. Or at least, as she concludes with a dose of Rochdale realism, ‘I don’t mind people seeing this one, put it that way.’
Pushing Daisies is on ITV1 on Saturday, 5 April at 9.00pm