Williams told Sydney radio station 2Day FM she thought Damian Walshe-Howling gave an excellent performance as Veniamin. "The guy who plays Andrew ... he actually played him well," she told 2Day FM. "There were some parts in it where I had a little cry because he reminded me of him and we were really good friends and very, very close." She added that she felt like her "whole world crushed down on me" when Veniamin was killed.
Williams said she was initially furious when she heard the series was being made, but has since decided to treat it as a piece of humorous fiction. "I got into it and thought, this is a comedy, not reality, it's humorous," she said.

Williams has been very vocal in her criticism of actress Kat Stewart's portrayal of her. "I certainly don't talk the way she does," Williams said. "I sound like some real Aussie chick who comes from the slums of god knows where. Sometimes, yes, I swear, I yell and scream like the police would've heard on lots of listening devices in our home, but I don't conduct myself in the manner they're portraying on the show."
Williams also said she was more prudish than Underbelly made her appear and had never taken the drug ecstasy. "I'm not one of these chicks who spasmodically has sex wherever it's desired like they portray me on the show," she said. "I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to things like that."
Williams, who speaks to her ex-husband most days, said she never really feared for her life during the time of the gangland killings. "I fear more that my children are going to be run over standing on the side of the road than being killed in the, as they call it, Melbourne gangland war," she said.
Her main concern these days is finding somewhere to live. The ex-wife of Melbourne's most notorious gangland killer revealed she was having trouble getting a rental property in her name. "My name, I don't know whether they think a house full of gangsters coming over or whatever it may be that narrow minded people think in their stupid little worlds," she said. "It's been an emotional rollercoaster, there are days where I smile and laugh and I guess people don't see me at night crying about what life was and what's ahead of me."
Further reading: full transcript of the interview between Roberta Williams - wife of jailed drug lord and killer Carl Williams - and the 2Day FM hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O.