Over the past eight years, BBC1 has been conducting a unique experiment. In Child of Our Time the channel has followed 25 children from their births, and subjected them to rigorous examination. As science broadcaster and academic Professor Lord Robert Winston puts it, ‘Nobody’s done anything like this before.’
Now, with all the participants aged around eight, differences between the sexes are becoming much more apparent. The opener to the latest series looks at the influence of sex and society on the children, and the experiments that its presenter Lord Winston and his team perform reveal the remarkable extent to which boys and girls differ even at a very young age. ‘Eight is a really good stage to look at this,' Lord Winston tells Matt Warman. ‘It’s when children have a clear idea of the differences between boys and girls and have very different aspirations. We weren’t sure how well that would be delineated – but it turned out to be very well delineated indeed. I think what we are showing with a small number of kids represents a generality within children of that age.’
The tests range from studying the difference gender-targeted packaging makes to a child’s choice of soft drinks (boys are drawn to rockets, girls like pink princesses), to setting up a mock ‘shop’ in which the children dress up just as they please (ie without any parental input). The boys’ fashions (hoodies, baggy jeans) contrast sharply with the girls’ (pretty dresses, fishnet tights).
Lord Winston believes children’s gender attitudes are swayed by contemporary trends. ‘I would be hesitant to say attitudes to gender have become different over the years,’ he says. ‘But the influences have become different.’ Thus Child of Our Time cites the modern cults of waif-like models when it shows that modern boys are generally indifferent to body shape while even young girls yearn to be thin. ‘What we’re saying is that this is something we see now, and something we may need to address in our children,’ says Lord Winston. ‘Presumably their rather narrow prejudices have been sorted out by the culture in which we live. But we’re not trying to make judgements; we’re trying to observe. I think that’s the value of the programme.’
This policy of dispassionate, informed observation has allowed the series to show a remarkable development arc in the period it has covered so far. But it can also make some of the participants’ more emotional statements even more arresting because of the scientific context. When one child’s father is shown to be worryingly absent for long periods, the girl’s tears carry all the more significance because the programme has already stressed the importance of a stable home. Her mother’s suggestion that she’d be disappointed if her daughter married a man like her husband also carries troubling undertones. ‘Relationships change between parents all the time,’ says Lord Winston, ‘and obviously we knew that that would be the case when we started making the programme. After all, nearly 50 per cent of marriages break up, but we try very hard simply to be a lens. And on the whole the children that we’re seeing cope pretty well.’
It’s not, however, the children’s resilience that surprises Lord Winston most. ‘The most remarkable thing on a series like this is that all the children and all the families have stuck with it,’ he says. ‘Now we’re quite attached to each other, and I think they enjoy what we do with them – but things might be more difficult when the children reach puberty.’ Those fruitful relationships between the families and the programme-makers are formed through an unusual mix of scientific and social analysis, and Lord Winston is fiercely proud of being part of an accessible programme about science that is shown in primetime on a major channel. ‘Generally, however, I’m very disappointed with the level of science on television,’ he says. ‘The BBC has not in this respect totally filled its public service remit.’
Although he maintains that there are plenty of fine presenters, and that what science there is on television is largely well-handled, Lord Winston reserves his sternest words for BBC1. ‘The channel has tended to go for easy options like light entertainment and has forgotten that science programmes consistently had extremely high ratings,’ he says. ‘When I made The Human Body [a six-part series shown in 1998] it was watched by millions of people. It’s still cited as something that got a lot of people into science at university. Child of Our Time is now the exception – it’s on BBC1, but still brings in a lot of science. The series’s existence shows that it’s perfectly possible to be both populist and scientifically accurate.’
Child of Our Time is on BBC1 on Wednesday, 7 May at 8.00pm